Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Manila Chapter 2

After spending 2 months in Manila and 7 days in Jakarta, here i'm back to Manila...actually i'm already here since 10th april, so I already spent almost 3 weeks. My project manager decide to start the report testing soo I'm soo busy lately, even I have no time for updating my MetaStock since I always back to my apartment late around 10 or 11 PM Photobucket and I just to tired to open my laptop, usually just straight to bed and wake up in the morning to start it all over again...pheww what kind a life is this Photobucket. There's some pictures that I like to share about it, hmm...lets start from my flight.

Yeah...this is some pictures I take while in plane, its so bored since I sitting alone, I remember all I do just sleeping during the flight.

Also here's the food in the plane pic. Almost all of my friends said that the foods in Manila is suck, so almost everyday they only eat at ChowKing or KCF/McD or Jolibee, and they never what to try the other restaurants coz they always said that they never want to spending money just for eating garbage taste like foods. Even one of our bosses almost everyday eating the same menu in the same restaurant for almost a year Photobucket. For me that's dumb, come on what do you expect?? you not living in Indonesia, so dont try to looking foods that taste like Indonesian. Otherwise try to eat like them, try theirs traditional foods or other foods that not available in Indonesia...because this opportunity might not be came to you again Photobucket. Some of them said I'm weird and crazy because i always ordering unusual foods and they even never try before...but for me, you are the weird one. This is a snack with grilled pork flavours, something that you will never ever get it in Indonesia to be sell freely Photobucket

The next day me with some of my friends go to Manila Bay to catch a sunset in boat, but too bad we miss the 5 PM ferry so we just enjoying sunset in the pier, one of my friends insist to take the 6PM ferry and but the scenes not to good since its dark already. here's some photos that taken from the pier and the ferry.

On the second week, I got bad perceptions by my project manager, its a one hell of a weekend since likely all my jobs ruined just because I can't remember ONE from hundreds report functions Photobucket . So this week all I do just work! I have to restore my reputations and make sure i got no pending jobs so I can go back to Jakarta on 10 May. Gladly right now almost 80% of my jobs are already tested before the deadline Photobucket. Also I get a chance to try watching movie in Manila. Its a movie starring Jackie Chan & Jet Li in the movie called "The Forbidden Kingdom", I like the movie coz its has such a deep meaning, also there's a lot of moral value in the movie just like when Jackie trying to summon rain in the dessert and Jet Li piss him off or when Jason feels he cant bear the task, and Jet Li suggest him to breathe.

Oh...I also going to TriNoma Mall in the north avenue, by taking a MRT. The fees was 14 peso and we just hang out there, one thing I notice that almost all mall has like park hall in the middle...that's good for socialize I think. We go to the dinner in the food court, since I'm a big fan of burgers I order a unique said from Belgian and its so tiny so u can eat it in one shot
and I order 8 burgers hehehe Photobucket

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How To Use The Explorer In MetaStock

Kadang, kita kesulitan dalam mencari emiten-emiten yang menurut indicator sedang bagus, contoh mencari emiten yang sedang Golden Cross (misal: SMA5 memotong SMA 20) atau emiten yang PSAR nya baru saja pindah/cross ke bawah. Akan sangat membuang waktu apabila harus membuka satu-persatu ratusan emiten di IDX. Bagi yang menggunakan MetaStock ada tool yang sangat membantu yaitu The Explorer Photobucket.
Berikut contoh mencari durian jatuh alias PSAR confirm dibawah candlestick
  1. Start MetaStock dan klik icon The Explorer, kemudian pilih New

  2. Beri nama, kemudian isi kolom A -> CLOSE

  3. Pilih kolom B kemudian isi -> SAR(0.02, 0.20)

  4. Pilih kolom C kemudian isi -> MOV(C,60,S)

  5. Pilih kolom Filter kemudian isi -> CROSS(CLOSE,SAR(0.02,0.20), tekan OK

  6. Perhatikan akan ada indicator baru, pilih dan tekan Explore

  7. Pilih Add Securities untuk menambahkan emiten-emiten mana yg ikut di scan, atau
    pilih semua saja kemudian tekan Open

  8. Kemudian akan muncul emiten-emiten yang akan di scan, tekan OK
  9. Tunggu hingga proses scanning selesai, kemudian tekan Reports

  10. Akan muncul sekumpulan nama-nama emiten. Tekan Open Charts untuk mem-validasi hasil nya.

  11. Awas durian jatuh Photobucket.

Ini hanyalah contoh sederhana penggunaan The Explorer, indicator ini masih butuh banyak penyempurnaan namun cukup untuk sebagai gambaran. Masih banyak lagi indicator-indicator lain dan formula-formula lain yang bisa di explore lebih dalam. Berikut contoh untuk mencari Golden Cross

Col A -> Mov(C,5,S)
Col B -> Mov(C,20,S)
Col C -> Ref(CLOSE, -1)
Filter -> ColA = ColB AND ColA > ColC

Selamat mencoba Photobucket

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Stock Data Compare v1.1

Berangkat dari banyaknya sumber data untuk mengupdate data stock market IDX, dan sering kurang reliable nya data dari BEJ. Semoga dengan dibuatnya program ini bisa (minimal) membantu para traders untuk membandingkan sumber data yang nantinya akan dipakai ;)

Download site
IDIC Members :
Rapidshare :

Sample file :

Program ini sangat sederhana sehingga ada bbrp limitasi yang harus diperhatikan, sbb
  1. Hanya dpt menerima file dalam bentuk comma separated (CSV)
  2. Tiap file harus memiliki header di line pertama. Header yang diterima adalah date, ticker, open, high, low, close, volume.
  3. Urutan dari header tersebut TIDAK MUTLAK, artinya boleh saja kolom ticker di kolom awal dan kolom date di posisi ke dua asal nama header tetap sama(case sensitive)
  4. Program ini selalu mengasumsikan bahwa file 1 sebagai tolak ukur sedangkan file 2 adalah yang akan dibandingkan.
  5. Program ini dibuat menggunakan Microsoft .NET Framework versi 2. Pastikan sudah terinstall di PC anda, atau download di sini
How To Use
Contoh disini saya menggunakan 2 file dari sumber yang berbeda, juga format yang berbeda. File 1 belum ada header(file1.txt) dan file 2 sudah ada header(file2.txt). Langkah nya adalah sbb :
  1. Tambahkan header terlebih dahulu di file1.txt. bisa dengan text editor/notepad, sesuai dengan urutan kolom yang ada.
  2. Jalankan StockDataCompare dan pilih File -> Upload Data, tekan tombol no 1 kemudian pilih file1 begitu pula no 2. Kemudian tekan tombol Upload (3).
  3. Tunggu sebentar, dan voila Photobucket Data siap untuk dianalisa.
  4. Silahkan Explore sendiri untuk fungsi-fungsi tambahan di menu View Photobucket
  5. Program ini juga dapat di jalankan di command prompt dengan 3 parameter yaitu file1, file2, dan resultfilename Photobucket
Apabila ada masalah atau masukan dalam menggunakan program ini, feel free to contact me Photobucket

Apabila anda mengalami error spt dibawah ini

Berarti komputer anda belum terinstall .NET Framework. gunakan link dibawah ini untuk mendownload dan install terlebih dahulu agar program dpt berjalan.

Download Link : Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Runtime