It began just before Christmas...
I remember in that December, one of my friend (hmm should I say friend? since even we know each other coincidentally in stock forum and officially just meet twice or so
) just called Drey, she introduce me with this girl Tini, first I dunno how to start but dunno why, Its like a river flows and then we both become friends. We often go to see movie together or have a nice dinner and chat, sometimes we chat for 3-5 hours in YM. Its like oasis in desert that time, its the first time I want to go out after my breakup and I found that very amusing, very nice to have (girl)friends again just on the right time when I'm feeling that I have nobody in this world. When Tini decide to go back to her hometown on Chrismas eve, that time I feel alone again. So I decided to go back to my hometown too.
Still linger in my head, it's going be the worst holidays ever in my life, imagine a whole week without someone, not even a single person. So I just want to spend whole holidays in my hometown, enjoying my loneliness alone. At that time, even for checking my phone, I feel bored and useless to do that, i bet nobody still remember and want to say even just hi or happy holidays to me, so i just throw my phone and to lazy to re-charge it. I spent so many times with my cousins Asen, we play PS2, going to internet cafe, swimming, play basket, etc. I'm so damn relaxed and I feel like I'm 10 years younger, all i do just play and eat hahaha just like a
On Christmas night, just lay low on the bench doing nothing, just staring at the night sky, feel bored and looking for some activities, trying to re-charge my phone again, and what? 12 missed call and 4 sms
from my ex's (of course not the last one
). Imagine almost 15 years and she still remembering me as stubborn agnostic and wishing me a marry Christmas
. We chat till morning that night, expressing how grateful I'm and thanks her for still remembering me. On the next day we see each others and talking a lot of thinks, remembering good old days...when there's nothing to worry about, and she giving me a cd full of Christians mp3
as Christmas present...hehehe yeap...she always believe that I'll repent someday. Again suddenly I don't feel bored anymore, I found someone that still remember and thinks me special.
Back to Jakarta, the joy's continue, we often go threesome
. Me, Drey, and Tini. Since Drey is in "It's Complicated" with her boyfriends, we often chat and share our thought, also we go to see movie or have no idea what feel that day
just like sheik from Arab or something hahaha. The best part is we go karaoke and sing like a nuts. Also when Tini help me looking for a new suit to go to my ex's (yep the other one, again
) wedding, and with Drey partying around in X2
before she depart to China.
I remember that day, when I'm feel so down. My mom asking me to meet this (should I say) shaman. He say that I'm a lucky boy, so many people will help you when you need to be helped. At that time I just laughing out loud, like I care about that. But when I thinking about it again, geez....Its hard for me to accept that, also not the mention also people that always saying "God Bless You" to me everyday. My logical brain can't accept this kind of statements, but its really realized and I can feel it. So that time, yes I remember just past 2 hour after new years eve. Maybe miracle do exists, maybe there's supreme being that controls our lives, or maybe there's another life forms so called ghost or something that sometimes helps me?.
Since the questions is still no exacts answers, I'll stick with Karma (which I feel is more logical than others religions) and I just want to say :
sa bbe sa ttā su khi ho ntu
sabbe sattā sukhi hontu
and the translation is May All Beings Be Happy!
Thanks for helping me. Happy New Year 2009