I knew his history from a film called "GIE" (link). Can't remember how many times I have watched this movie, but it's keep linger in my head. A minority with extraordinaire idealism, a true and pure activist with no sides, a man with vision bigger and higher than any others. Understand and aware of reality that's always can bites you back. A pure thinker at his time. Simply a rebel.
Official trailer of this movie :
This film tells about history of a man named Soe Hok Gie, an ordinary chinese descent who born and lives in Jakarta, in the era of dictatorship of Soekarno, the 1st president of Indonesia. Even in early ages he's a rebellion, in this film tells he even argue with his teacher and stand for his idealism only for a small things, that sometimes people don't really care about. At that time teachers was always right but he denied even it's lead him to retake the school year. He's like to read, hence widening his perspective. In this film also tells about his contribution and his work influencing the people through his writing when he was in the college, and a bit of his personal life, his view, and how he suffer for still holding on his idealism when other people just simply following the trends.
Some references regarding Soe Hok Gie
- Soe, Hok Gie (1983) (in Indonesian), Catatan Seorang Demonstran, Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial.
- Soe, Hok Gie (1990) (in Indonesian), Di Bawah Lentera Merah: Riwayat Sarekat Islam Semarang, 1917–1920, Jakarta: Frantz Fanon Foundation.
- Soe, Hok Gie (1995) (in Indonesian), Zaman Peralihan, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya.
- Soe, Hok Gie (1997) (in Indonesian), Orang-orang di Persimpangan Kiri Jalan: Kisah Pemberontakan Madiun 1948, Yogyakarta: Yayasan Bentang Budaya, ISBN 978-979-8793-31-8.
- Anderson, Ben (April 1970), "In Memoriam: Soe Hok-Gie", Indonesia 9: 225–227, ISSN 0019-7289, http://cip.cornell.edu/seap.indo/1107140696.
- Maxwell, John (2001) (in Indonesian), Soe Hok-Gie: Pergulatan Intelektual Muda Melawan Tirani, Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafiti, ISBN 978-979-444-422-1. Translated from Maxwell, John (1997). Soe Hok-Gie: A Biography of a Young Indonesian Intellectual. (Ph.D. thesis). Australian National University. OCLC 223012031.
- Jahja, H. Junus (2002) (in Indonesian), Peranakan Idealis: Dari Lie Eng Hok sampai Teguh Karya, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, ISBN 978-979-9023-84-1.
- Suryadinata, Leo (1995), Prominent Indonesian Chinese: Biographical Sketches (3rd ed.), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, ISBN 978-981-3055-04-9.
There's a lot of quotes in this film that I really likes. Simply because his quote are logical, rational, based on the reality. these are a few that I like to remember.