Jason : We're not going to make it are we?
Jason : And even if we do, we still have to face the Jade army.
Jason : What if I can't handle it?
Jason : What if I freeze?
The Silent Monk : Don't forget to breathe.
This simple and short scenes for me its really hold a deep values of life
Its only a small step needed to start everything.
Sometimes in life we're facing so many obstacles and problems, and we always tend to aware and calculating the risks that we might face/took, then when we think that the solutions was to complicated or impossible to be taken, we're starting to over thinking everything and forgetting the basic abilities that we have, in the end its only become a big bullshit or NATO (No Action Talk Only). Preemptive action or thinking is a good thing for a consideration of go or no go, but please don't make it as the a road block that cannot be conquered, because sometimes its not the tools that determining our success but our own will. Always remember to set your target in 3 range...long term, short period, and now. Set your goal (long term) and path that need to be taken in short period (next year, next month, next week), but don't forget to set action now. The smallest step is enough, because everything always start from the smallest step we take. Only thinking or standing and questioning everything will not solving anything.
Never Give Up
I remember my sister have this picture hanging in her office, this movie scene reminds me of her and her picture also
. Even when we're in the near death, still here's opportunities to escape or even fight back. All you need is just keep calm, understand the situations clearly and take actions fast like there's no tomorrow. I'm understand sometimes when we're sick or not in a good condition/mood, its very hard to motivate our self and we tend to give up easily. I hope this scene/picture can linger in our mind, so next time we can keep motivated our self to get back on our feet as soon as possible, strike back when somebody kick you down. Always remember that you're still breathing, means you still have your own conscience and rational mind so you should be able to take the necessary actions. I remember my father always force me to eat veggies and very bitter pill of medicines when I'm sick even though I never like it, now I understand that we must push our own limit of comfort, because to live a better life (not sick) is only by swallowing all the bitterness of medicines. That's is the reality that we should took. There's always an "ugly" situations that we must took in every journey in this life, not to mention a dead end or a trap. But remember face back if you see dead end and take other route, keep grasping until you escape from the traps.
So never forget that you're still breathing...take a step...never give up...even the cost is your own life.
Never Give Up
I remember my sister have this picture hanging in her office, this movie scene reminds me of her and her picture also
So never forget that you're still breathing...take a step...never give up...even the cost is your own life.
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